Helpful to Flash Morons Like Me
It was refreshing to see a helpful tutorial that doesn't make n00bs feel like shit appear on NG. Good job.
Helpful to Flash Morons Like Me
It was refreshing to see a helpful tutorial that doesn't make n00bs feel like shit appear on NG. Good job.
Updates Improved the Game Ten-Fold
It was refreshing to see different difficulties this time, that was the only problem last time. This is quite a fun and addicting game.
P.S. That techno song was awesome, who made that?
This is the song: Final Fantasy Zelda - Ocarina Of Time - Temple Of Time (Techno Remix)
Excellent Game
This was an excellently made game. Even though the concept is tired this game was still refreshing somehow. I think one improvement that would help greatly would be a HUD, I hated having to move my cursor over the box to see my health, but other than that excellent game.
Yeah I will sort that out now. Check back soon
A Better Version of Super Mario Rampage
This was actually pretty entertaining, my only qualms were it was way too easy and too short. I think with a little work this could be quite good.
You think this is better than mario rampage? wow thanks! and it would be longer if i had some leveldesigners
Good quick game
This was a fun little game to waste time with. Nothing to be negative about here, well done.
Well Done
Man, you have to know that whenever you submit something here, people are going to give you bad reviews just because they feel like it. I thought this was an excellent game. At first I was frustated because you didn't have a mute button but the music you chose was perfect for the game and not annoying like so many other submissions out there. I was a huge fan of the style. Looking forward to future updates.
Yes, I know, I don't mind about bad reviews. What I care about is people 0-voting my game daily (which is hapenning) because they don't like my game.
This is for the thinkers / This is for the urchin allergic to its own stingers / This is for the abusrd verdict linkers / This is for that cat at my shows who always has prophetic opinions but can't remember where his drink his
Age 38, Male
PTCD Student
Michigan State University
Alpha Sig House
Joined on 4/3/05